Evolving the Warrior Art of Lua: A Conversation with Michelle Manu

July 6, 2023

Hey there,

We've recently had an amazing episode of Better Call Daddy featuring Michelle Manu, a highly skilled practitioner of the Hawaiian warrior art of Lua. The episode was full of enlightening discussions surrounding the cultural practice of the warrior and Michelle's personal journey, including her experiences as a woman in a predominantly male-dominated field.

Michelle shared how, due to biases following the overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom, women and those identifying as māhū were had less access to learn Lua over the last 200 years. However, she remains committed to empowering more people to learn and evolve the practice of Lua to keep the cultural practice of the warrior alive for future generations.

Additionally, Michelle discussed the importance of self-analysis and self-awareness to elevate consciousness and see a bigger picture and shared techniques like the thought pattern release sequence, which can be used to analyze dominant thought fields such as happiness. Michelle also delved into metaphysics and how it is a bona fide study in universities that focuses on ontological philosophy.

The Kapu Ku’ia lua, is the original cultural practice in which Michelle's modern cultural practice derives from, which was also discussed in-indepth.  Michelle emphasized the importance of adhering to the rules of conduct for students, and the significance of the teacher, or Kumu, as the source of information from a system that has been passed down for thousands of years.

The episode also touched on Michelle's personal journey including how she became aware of her behavior in 2003 and started to change, channeling her aggression into martial arts, and becoming skilled in it to improve herself and protect others.

If you're interested in more details, make sure to check out the episode itself and keep an eye out for our upcoming content.

Stay curious,


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